作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
Anna Zakoyan
Verified Expert 在项目管理方面

Anna是一名敏捷教练, senior Scrum master, trainer, and consultant with 16 years of experience in project and team management. 她已经帮助了50多家公司, 包括SGS Digicomply, Krisp, Ucraft, HSBC, Ameriabank, and Joomag, 改变团队协作和完成工作的方式.



When the Scrum framework was introduced to our company in 2009, 我们中没有人理解Scrum管理员应该做什么. 我们完成训练后开始请求 team roles, our CEO was surprised that I chose Scrum master instead of product owner. 产品负责人的工作对他来说很清楚, but the day-to-day responsibilities of a Scrum master were not. Given the ambiguity, 他会如何评价我工作的成功,而我又会如何评价自己在Scrum大师职业道路上的进步?

Even today, many companies struggle to properly assess the work done by a Scrum master. And yet the position remains in high demand—a growing number of job postings and a rising Scrum master salary 意味着Scrum管理员的工作前景很有希望.

Scrum管理员被期望成为促进者, coaches, mentors, trainers, and leaders, 但他们在所有这些领域取得专家地位的途径和他们的背景一样各不相同, which range from technical to business to professional coaching. A Scrum master starting their position with strong top-down management skills, for example, 在Scrum团队的非等级结构中,可能很难培养仆人式领导者的素质. 专业的教练经历可能会帮助某人相对轻松地承担仆人式领导者的角色, 但它们可能需要更多的时间才能被成功采用 Agile methods—something that would come as second nature to a Scrum master with a technical background. In short, 期望Scrum管理员在上任时掌握所有所需的技能,或者一夜之间掌握所缺少的技能,这是不合理的.

Whether you’re just starting out or already advanced in your career, 你可能会有困扰我前任CEO的同样的问题:Scrum管理员在他们的职业生涯中应该获得哪些已被证明的能力?



Early in your career, you’re focused on the basics: mastering the Scrum framework, guiding your team’s understanding of Scrum theory and practice, and working with the product owner on Scrum artifacts—most significantly, the product backlog. 作为初级阶段的Scrum管理员, 你是在用组织Scrum团队工作的标准角色和流程来发展你的能力.

The Scrum管理员评估 AgilityHealth展示了五个能力:基础, planning, execution, leadership, and coaching. 而Scrum管理员应该在他们职业生涯的每个阶段都努力在所有这些领域取得进步, 初学者应密切注意基础. Scrum.org’s 专业Scrum能力 and the Scrum Guide’s 关于角色和流程的指导可以帮助Scrum新手设定团队职责, structure, norms, working agreements, practices, and workflows—and understand the Agile values that inform them.

[The Scrum Master competencies and key skills as defined by AgilityHeath. The competencies, Foundation, Planning, Execution, Leadership, and Coaching, 排列成一个圆圈, 使用下面列出的相关技能. 在基础下面是团队规范,角色 & 期望、团队结构和敏捷价值观. Under Planning are Backlog Refinement, Planning at Scale, Sprint Planning, and Metrics & Reporting. 执行之下是每日Scrum,障碍 & Dependencies, Subject Matter Expertise, Value Delivery, and Measure & Grow. 在领导下,保护自己不受干扰, Positive Encourager, Enable Autonomy, 有效的主持人, 和自组织团队. Under Coaching are Relationship Builder, Effective Communicator, Teacher & 教练,好的倾听者,健康的文化.]

建立和领导一个基于Scrum理论的团队将为你成为Scrum管理员的主要角色做好准备:在日常工作的细节上支持你的开发人员和产品负责人. 当你开始熟悉待办事项管理时,与你的产品负责人建立强有力的合作关系是至关重要的. 帮助他们促进不同的事件,比如计划, 价值流映射, story mapping, 设计头脑风暴. Home in on DEEP (detailed, emergent, estimated, 优先级)和SMART(特定的), measurable, achievable, realistic, time-based) techniques to frame backlog items in terms of user needs.

A robust product backlog will help the developers understand what work needs to be done, when, and why; it will help the product owner eliminate unnecessary questions, requests, and dependencies; it will enable the team to achieve its shared goals by keeping everyone on course to maintaining a transparent and efficient workflow; and it will mark your progress toward the practitioner level.


理论之后就是实践, and when working with the team on day-to-day improvements, 你总是会遇到阻力, 人工边界, and cultural clashes. 准备好在这个阶段克服两个相关的挑战:1)建立团队共识(参见 Tuckman model) and 2) improving your skills in execution and planning.

以Scrum理论为基础, 你可以通过精心策划的Scrum事件开始为你的团队建模规则和流程. 与团队一起工作 apply Agile values 根据这些价值来评估每个sprint和每个新计划. For example, 在重大更新后计划回顾时, 为团队准备问题, such as:

  • Did we need to implement this functionality at this stage?
  • How did this update serve our customers or improve product quality?
  • What would have happened if we hadn’t implemented these features now?

这些问题将揭示为正在进行的和未来的产品工作使用基于结果的度量的价值. 理解关键指标,如速度, cycle time, lead time, 客户满意度, team happiness, innovation rate, 缺陷率将允许你在规模上进行计划, manage stakeholders, and help the team set the right objectives to best achieve product outcomes.

作为接近专家阶段的从业者,您应该对角色感到更加舒适 servant-leader. Build empathy 保持不偏不倚,克服团队功能失调, 并利用协作将分歧转化为规划和执行未来产品目标的创造性机会.


There is no universal definition for what makes an expert Scrum master. 不同的公司会优先考虑不同的事情, coaching and facilitation may be most important; others may prioritize delivery and execution.

For me, leadership agility 是一个专家级Scrum管理员的标志. A Scrum master demonstrates leadership agility in the unpredictable context of a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world, thriving in uncertainty and in areas not covered by standard rules, roles, and processes. A Scrum master who excels at leadership agility should be able to:

  • Evaluate each situation in its own context to find the best solutions.
  • Apply Lean thinking and look at the big picture to identify gaps in the workflow.
  • 积极倾听,提出有力的问题 coaching models 让团队发挥出最大的潜能.
  • Build accountability within the team to reduce dependence on the Scrum master.
  • Know how to engage management when organizational impediments are impacting the team.
  • Help the team develop an outcome-focused vision of product success.
  • Mentor and lead in developing agility throughout the organization.

People who understand leadership agility act as change agents above all. They lead in an environment of change rather than reacting to crises.


初学者可以要求他们的公司或项目管理办公室提供额外的支持和培训. An expert may thrive in an environment of autonomy and trust. 但这是真正专业人士的标志, 不管他们的职业成熟度如何, is self-education and engagement with a community of other working professionals. 最有经验的Scrum管理员和最认真的初学者会积极参与到专业讨论中,并形成这种讨论.

组织如 国际辅导员协会, 国际Scrum协会, and the 国际敏捷联盟 提供对会议、网络研讨会、出版物、工具包和同事网络的访问. 提供的专业认证 Scrum Alliance, Scrum.org, and the LeSS Company 所有跟踪你的进步的高度可见的方法都能立即将你的专业知识传达给现在和未来的雇主吗. A recent analysis from Coursera found that certifications from Scrum Alliance appeared in more than 9,在领英上发布了1000个欧博体育app下载, Indeed, and SimplyHired, 对Scrum认证的额外需求.org and Scaled Agile.

一个图表,列出了顶级Scrum管理员认证,以及每种认证在招聘启事中出现的次数. 类别下的认证, Organization, LinkedIn, Indeed, SimplyHired, 和Total共7行:1)CSM, Scrum Alliance, 3,011, 1,667, 1,207, 5,885; 2) CSPO*, Scrum Alliance, 1,258, 825, 547, 2,630; 3) PSM, Scrum.org, 519, 183, 141, 843; 4) CSP-SM, Scrum Alliance, 420, 204, 158, 782; 5) SSM, Scaled Agile, 277, 201, 111, 589; 6) PSPO*, Scrum.org, 326, 104, 90, 520; 7) CSD, Scrum Alliance, 70, 60, 31, 161. 还有一个脚注:在搜索中使用了每个认证的全名,以避免与重叠的首字母缩略词混淆, 除非用星号标记.

Different levels of certifications exist for different levels of expertise. For instance, 项目管理协会提供高级的Scrum管理员认证 有纪律的敏捷交付 Scrum联盟的认证Scrum Master之后是高级认证Scrum Master证书. 虽然没有什么可以代替亲身体验, 这些等级认证可以作为你职业发展的具体标志.


如果你不知道自己在Scrum管理员的职业发展中处于什么位置,那就看看你的团队. The real measure of a Scrum master’s success is their team’s success. The Scrum master growth path will ultimately guide the growth of your company too. While serving as an advocate of your company’s stated values, you are also in the unique position to be an agent of change, 坚持不懈地挑战这些价值观,以激发主动性,推动你的团队达到新的水平. 总之,你的连续 作为Scrum大师的成长 makes a real difference in the success of your projects, your company, and your career.

Where the Scrum master growth path leads next is up to you. Being a Scrum master is a rewarding career, and many find that it becomes a lifelong role. However, your individual Scrum master development plan may lead you in new directions. 多年作为仆人式领导者指导团队的经验可以帮助你培养在人事管理方面担任高管职位所需的技能. Alternately, 处理产品待办事项列表和分配资源可以使您作为产品所有者转移到项目的业务方面. 您可能决定要继续在组织级别领导敏捷转换,并担任导师的角色 Agile coach. 职业发展的选择就像Scrum管理员进入这个行业的背景一样多种多样. 你在发展这个角色的过程中获得的技能将使你成为组织内变革的推动者,无论你担任什么职位.


  • 是否有对Scrum管理员的需求?

    The employment data firm Burning Glass reported almost 66,到2020年,将有1000个Scrum管理员的职位空缺, and predicts a 37.9% increase in demand for Scrum masters over the next decade.

  • Scrum管理员的职业道路是什么?

    The career path of a Scrum master is marked by several key skills and competencies. 当你从初学者到从业者再到专家, 你将掌握基础技能, planning, execution, coaching, and leadership, developing leadership agility skills to help you thrive in an environment of change.

  • Scrum管理员的下一个级别是什么?

    如果Scrum管理员选择转到另一个角色, they have several options for the next phase of their career. 有些人会成为导师或敏捷教练, 其他人则成为产品负责人, 还有一些人走上了高管的职业道路.

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Anna Zakoyan

Anna Zakoyan

Verified Expert 在项目管理方面

Yerevan, Armenia


About the author

Anna是一名敏捷教练, senior Scrum master, trainer, and consultant with 16 years of experience in project and team management. 她已经帮助了50多家公司, 包括SGS Digicomply, Krisp, Ucraft, HSBC, Ameriabank, and Joomag, 改变团队协作和完成工作的方式.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.




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