卡特里娜Talley, 设计师 in 菲尼克斯,亚利桑那州,美国
卡特里娜飓风 is 可用 租用
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验证专家  in 设计



卡特里娜飓风 is an innovative 用户体验 and interaction designer with more than a decade of experience in product design for the web, 桌面, 移动, 以及嵌入式应用程序. She creatively translates complex problems into elegant, usable solutions that exceed expectations and across devices. She approaches product design with a broad experience, 关注全局, 和一个热情的用户倡导.




2016 - 2016
  • Worked with startup team to build and launch an iOS app for cruise travel in Japan. I worked as the UX lead along with a 视觉设计er and developer to understand our users and the challenges they face when take a cruise.
  • 研究并了解我们的目标人群, 他们的心智模式, and their current approach to traveling/cruising ensured that we accounted for some of the challenges they face when planning and navigating a different port each day.
  • 与团队和用户一起创建工作流, 线框图, 以及应用程序UI和交互设计的模型. Collaborated with 视觉设计ers, developers, and stakeholders to get designs into production.
技术:HTML, iOS, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, 草图, 用户体验设计, 用户体验(UX), 产品设计


2015 - 2015
  • 设计了天线控制单元接口, including UX research with users to document scenarios, 任务流, and assess validity of future product features and 可用性 of existing products.
  • Established a style and pattern library for the development and product teams to use in future enhancements.
  • 研究ed, strategized, and led UX improvements for a public facing website redesign.
  • 担任UX的“批判之眼”,审查游戏的可用性问题, and partnering with web vendors and business units to work through features and concepts.
  • 执行内容清单和审计, 已创建的信息架构, 并彻底改革了分类学的发展.
技术:引导, 苹果主题, Adobe Photoshop, 用户体验设计, 用户体验(UX), 用户体验策略, 产品设计


2012 - 2014
  • Led the interaction design team on a responsive website redesign and 移动 community website. We redesigned the strategy and feature definition into information architecture, 站点地图, 画草图和线框图了吗, 视觉设计, and worked in close collaboration with development and business stakeholders.
  • Helped manage content workflow from week to week using a combination of Google Docs, Basecamp, and WordPress integration and helped to plan a community site road map.
  • Initiated a customer experience mapping effort that identified gaps in current product onboarding process, this was having a major impact on activation numbers and business goals. 新, proactive touch points were quickly implemented in time for the "Back to School" season and the overall mapping process helped define best practices organization wide for all products going forward.
  • Facilitated and participated in 可用性 testing for several product platforms in development and for improving 用户体验 of existing platforms.
  • Worked closely across business units and partners including NBC Learn to integrate content across software platforms.
  • Redesigned a product trial workflow to create a more customized and consistent experience for users and less back-end work for admin. Increased trial user registrations from 146 to 3,890 in over a 10 month span.
  • Contributed to the success of Pearson’s Online Learning Exchange that yielded $10 million in revenue over the first two years in the market.
技术:WordPress, Adobe Illustrator, 引导, 苹果主题, Adobe Photoshop, 用户体验设计, 用户体验(UX), 用户体验策略, 产品设计


2006 - 2012
  • 计划, 发达, and executed a medical website for Audiology Practice with emphasis on website branding, 可用性, 用户体验, 以及搜索引擎优化策略.
  • Edited and integrated a client news video and patient testimonials into a website to build awareness and credentials.
  • Implemented an online appointment scheduling module creating a point of need access for patients and streamlining back office scheduling and accuracy.
  • Initialized and promoted the ongoing use of SEO strategies to increase awareness, 搜索排名, 并扩大该诊所在网上的影响力.
  • Increased internet referrals by 200% within the first year.
技术:WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, CSS, HTML, 用户体验设计, 用户体验(UX), 产品设计


2010 - 2011
  • 提供的网站, UX, and IA design solutions with emphasis on website differentiation from current market competition and harnessing the power of social networking to communicate with users.
  • Created initial user survey research and feedback to assure 可用性 attributes.
  • Significant re-positioning, re-branding, and logo development.
  • Edited and integrated client social media efforts such as Facebook, 推特, LinkedIn, Meetup, and email newsletters into the website to build brand awareness and credibility.
  • Created an online social gathering place for clients and prospects to share ideas, 他们之间的网络, 还要留意当地的工作机会.
技术:WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, HTML, 用户体验设计, 产品设计
2014 - 2014

可用性分析师证书 in User-Centered 设计


2004 - 2008

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing)







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