authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.

作为德勤校友和AWS认证解决方案架构师, Ross loves helping companies use innovative technologies to solve problems.



云计算工程师最需要的资格之一是 AWS认证解决方案架构师-助理 认证. While the focus of this article will be on exactly how to pass it, especially if you are 不 a 云工程师,重要的是要注意为什么这个认证如此有价值.

While there are other players in the public cloud space, Amazon Web Services (AWS) associate 认证s are the most sought-after because Amazon holds the largest public cloud market share. 无论你是一个动手的工程师还是贸易顾问, 在你的简历上写这些是非常有益的.


让我们明确一点:AWS认证解决方案架构师-助理是 简单的考试. 这不是一个你可以简单地买一叠练习试卷的考试, 一遍又一遍地读, 并期望通过. 考试非常注重场景. Anyone wanting to know how to prepare for AWS 认证 should 不e this well: AWS writes their questions in such a way that only someone with true 实践经验 对他们的服务的理解可以通过.


And now for the details of exactly how to go about AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam preparation even if you do 不 have any formal engineering or AWS的培训.

1. 获得AWS认证云从业者资格 认证

是的, this article promises steps on how to earn your AWS Solutions Architect - Associate certificate, 但如果您之前没有AWS工程经验或知识, 我将 强烈 建议先通过这个. This exam is just a 1,000-foot overview and can be passed in just two weeks if you study daily.

说实话,即使你 do 有使用AWS的经验吗, it may still be good to take this as the 认证 exams cover AWS services that you may have never actually used.


  • 以A云专家(ACG)认证云从业者为例 课程. You will want a full subscription to this—不 just the standalone Udemy version—because you will need to use ACG heavily for the AWS Solutions Architect exam. ACG also has a section of hands-on AWS labs that are incredibly helpful for passing the exam.
  • 这些练习考试. 注意: These practice exams represent only the most difficult questions on the exam. 如果你在练习考试中挣扎,但仍然接近及格, 那么你应该在实际考试中取得好成绩. 实际的测试要比这些简单得多.


  • 取 不es throughout the 课程 and organize them so you can use that as part of your study guide for the Solutions Architect exam.
  • 考试当天用2倍的速度重新看一遍Ryan的总结. 这对回顾你需要知道的一切非常有帮助.

2. 完成ACG的AWS认证解决方案架构师-助理 课程

虽然这门课程本身并不足以让一个完全的新手通过, it is still an incredible 课程 and will be the foundation of your exam prep. 它涵盖了考试中的所有内容, 以某种方式, 这里和那里有一些间隙(我们会讲到的).


  • 做详细的笔记,制定有组织的学习指南.
  • 使用A 云 Guru应用程序下载讲座以进行离线收听. Play lectures and summaries over again while doing things like driving or walking your dog. 我的准备策略包括每天大量的沉浸式学习,就像这样.
  • 不要跳过动手实验. 在我看来,使用AWS是学习AWS的最好方式. 这将有助于内化讲座的内容.

3. 深入了解特定AWS服务

As mentioned above, the ACG 课程 lectures alone are 不 enough for most people to pass. 有一些服务会在考试中出现 很多,你需要对它们有深刻的理解才能通过考试. The best way to learn what you need is to just use them with hands-on labs.


AWS VPC logo


一开始,我对vpc的整体理解很困难 科尔·莫里森的文章 它的类比非常有帮助. 如果您对vpc感到困惑,我强烈建议您阅读本文. 另外:

  • 完成ACG动手实验的vpc. 这些是在步骤#2的课程之外,在动手实验部分. 筛选“AWS”和“VPC”,完成每个实验. 他们每个人只有几分钟的时间,但却非常有用.
  • 考试中有很多关于VPC的问题. 学会从记忆中建立一个.
  • 了解使用VPN和直接连接的区别.

AWS S3标志

Amazon S3

部分 云大师S3大师班 课程. 你不需要为了考试而修完这门课, 只是一些经常出现的领域, 包括:

  • 桶策略vs. 访问控制列表
  • S3加密选项
  • 存储类型
  • 生命周期策略


Amazon RDS

以ACG介绍RDS为例 课程,重点关注经常出现的领域,包括:

  • Multi-AZ复制
  • 读副本
  • 理解快照



Be sure that you understand AWS 分析 and data warehousing tools at a high level:

  • kineesis:流vs. 消防带和. 分析
  • 运动与. 红移和. EMR(您将获得基于场景的问题)
  • 雅典娜与凯尼斯的不同

AWS Lambda标志

Amazon Lambda和无服务器组件

以ACG Lambda入门为例 课程 但要关注:

  • 限制/超时
  • 事件以及Lambda触发器通常使用哪些服务

Serverless will probably show up more and more on AWS exams over time, so you’ll want to know this.

4. 请阅读AWS存储服务概述 白皮书

你会得到 许多 关于使用哪种存储的基于场景的问题. 您将想知道它们之间的区别以及何时使用它们.g.、EFS vs. EBS, S3, DynamoDB vs. RDS)

5. 学习这次考试的应试策略

当面对基于场景的问题时, 先读一下kicker. 基于场景的问题总是以一大段话开头, 然后是一个真正问你问题的“踢球者”. 读一读这篇文章 然后 阅读场景. 例子:

“You are building a transcription service for a company in which a fleet of EC2 worker instances processes an uploaded audio file and generates a text file as an output. You must store both of these frequently accessed files in the same durable storage until the text file is retrieved by the uploader. 因为预计需求会激增, you have to ensure that the storage is scalable and can be retrieved within minutes.

“Which storage option in AWS can you use in this situation that is both cost-efficient and scalable?”

这里的关键是最后一行. 注意他们到底在问什么. 很多次, 他们会提出多种可行的解决方案, but you have to select the ones that meet the specific requirements (in this case, 成本效率和可扩展性).

每道题都采用淘汰法. 问题中总会有一两个选项是肯定的 这个问题的答案. If you can get rid of these right off the bat, your odds of selecting the right one will improve. 虽然这似乎是显而易见的, 在AWS SA考试中使用它非常重要,因为在很多情况下, 他们会试图欺骗你. 找出那些明显的把戏,然后在心里把它们划掉.

读两遍问题. 大多数问题都设计得很棘手. 不只是扫一眼,然后立即回答吗. 措辞上的细微差别很容易改变正确答案, 如果你走得太快, 你可能会做出错误的选择.

使用“Mark for Review”功能. The real exam will allow you to mark answers for review and 然后 go back at the end to check them again. 当一个问题很难的时候, select the best choice and 然后 mark it for review at the end based on how much time you have left. 使用此功能.

在真正的考试中,用问题来回答其他问题. 这是使用“复习标记”的主要原因之一.” In 许多 cases, one question can actually give you 这个问题的答案 to a不her question. 在我的考试中, I 不iced this a few times and was able to go back and adjust a previous answer because of that. 这就是为什么你想“标记复习”任何你不确定的东西.

6. 参加Udemy练习考试

购买这套 我的练习考试 然后解决它们. Note that 这些练习考试 are incredibly difficult and represent the most challenging questions you would be presented with on the exam. 实际的测试要比这些简单.

根据经验, 如果你通过了这些练习考试(即使只是勉强及格), 你应该有足够的空间通过真正的东西.

7. 可选:拿着这个 Udemy课程 填补空白.

If you are finding that there are still some gaps in your knowledge and you can’t pass the practice exams, 购买本课程. 我不会讲完这整个课程, 而是专注于你有知识缺口的领域. 练习考试会告诉你这些空白在哪里.

Udemy课程s also have a very cool feature where you can simply search for a keyword, and it will show you everywhere in the entire 课程 that this word is mentioned, 然后你可以点击听那部分. 举个例子, 如果您一直遗漏有关AWS KMS的问题, 你可以在Udemy的课程中搜索, 它会向你展示讨论过的每个部分.

与云从业者一样, be sure to rewatch all of the ACG Solutions Architect Summary lectures on 2x speed the morning of your exam. 这对回顾你学过的东西很有帮助.


和任何测试一样, 学习将确保成功, AWS认证解决方案架构师考试也不例外. 虽然它可能会占用你的一些空闲时间,但好处是值得的. 除了验证你的技术技能, 这个认证将培养你的专业知识, 让你对潜在的招聘人员更有吸引力, 哪个只会继续 推进你的事业 从长远来看.

祝您顺利获得AWS架构师认证, 如果你发现有什么有用的建议,请联系我们!

带有“合作伙伴网络”字样的AWS标志,,其次是“高级咨询合伙人”,然后是一条水平线, 然后是这个列表:Amazon 云Front, Amazon RDS, 和AWS Web应用防火墙(WAF).


  • 什么是AWS解决方案架构师认证?

    AWS认证解决方案架构师-助理 is a 认证 offered by Amazon Web Services for professionals who have one or more years of 实践经验 with the AWS cloud. 考试有监考和计时. 个人将有130分钟的时间回答65道选择题.

  • 获得AWS认证需要多长时间?

    AWS recommends one or more years of 实践经验 before sitting for the exam. 然而, individuals without that can still pass the exam after generally one to two months of intense study.

  • 获得AWS认证需要多少费用?

    考试费用为150美元. A 云 Guru的年费为449美元,月费为49美元. Udemy实习考试包的售价在11美元之间.99美元和19美元.99. 积极的Toptalers可以在完成后报销这些费用, 前提是他们加入Toptal的“AWS认证Toptalers”计划.

  • AWS认证值得吗?

    Amazon Web Services认证对云工程师来说非常有价值. 因为按市场份额计算,AWS是最受欢迎的公共云, 与其他类型的云相比,更多的公司需要AWS专家.

  • 什么是AWS认证解决方案架构师?

    An AWS Certified Solutions Architect is a professional who has been proven to possess a wide range of knowledge about various AWS services, 以及AWS良好架构框架及其最佳实践.

  • 如何学习AWS解决方案架构师认证?

    Studying for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam involves a combination of reputable self-paced lectures (e.g.(来自A 云 Guru),动手实验,并参加练习考试.



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